The Town of Weldon owns and operates a 1.2 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) Wastewater Treatment Plant. The original wastewater treatment plant was built in 1960. A new 0.6 MGD wastewater treatment plant was built in 1986 and the original plant was demolished. The plant was expanded to its present 1.2 MGD in 1996.

The plant consists of screening, aeration, clarification, chlorination, dechlorination and aerobic sludge digestion. Bio-Solids (sludge) are disposed of by land application.

The Town utilizes five (5) lift stations to convey the wastewater to the treatment plant.

The Town presently serves the residents of Weldon as well as residents of Halifax and Northampton Counties.

The Town employs three (3) certified wastewater treatment plant operators with a combined 55 years of experience.

Monday, January 13, 2025